Preparing to sell

1.    Exterior

Don’t overlook your front yard and entryway.  I’m convinced that buyers decide if they are going to buy your house within the first 30 to 60 seconds of seeing it.  So set your stopwatch, get out of your car, and see what THEY see in that first minute.  Chances are all you’ll need to do is some yard work and paint your front door and trim ( **see previous Blog – “You can only make One First Impression” ).  Also check to be sure that the doorbell works.

FYI….Did you know that yellow evokes a buying emotion?  Why not plant some yellow flowers or group flower pots together at the front door with marigolds or other bright yellow flowers .


2.    De-Clutter

In real estate, buyers buy space.  Most people are pack rats, with rooms in their homes having too much furniture and stuff overflowing in every nook and cranny.  There is little space for walking sometimes, much less for living.  Don’t expect buyers to ignore all this and imagine your house in its clutter-free state.  De-clutter so the buyers can see your house, not your mess.


3.    De-Personalize

This cannot be emphasized enough.  Prospective buyers need to be able to see themselves in your living space.  So do yourself a favor and put away the family photos and heirlooms.


4.    Make minor repairs

*  Replace cracked and floor or counter tiles

*  Fix doors that don’t close properly

*  Replace burnt out light bulbs

*  Clean or replace old worn window coverings

*  Fix leaky faucets

*  Patch holes in walls

*  Paint in neutral colors if rooms are outdated or have inappropriate colors


5.    Make the house SPARKLE !

*  Wash all windows inside and out

*  Clean all appliances ( including inside the oven and fridge)

*  Re-caulk tubs, showers, and sinks

*  Bleach dingy grout

*  Replace worn rugs

*  Hang fresh towels

*  Dust furniture, ceiling fans and light fixtures

AND….if you absolutely hate cleaning….then pay for a cleaning service….it is that IMPORTANT !


FACT :  Homes in tip-top shape, that sparkle and shine, sell much faster than homes that need repairs and are dirty and cluttered.  Simple cost effective ideas can make all the difference in how long it will take for your home to sell.